The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) requires caretakers applying for publicly funded child care to submit a JFS 01138 "Application for Child Care Benefits."
New Policy:
The revised JFS 01138 adds language to the Rights and Responsibility section of the form to clarify that the caretaker acknowledges that by signing the application they are agreeing to allow the county agency and/or ODJFS to share information with identified child care providers regarding the caretaker's application and eligibility for publicly funded child care.
The following amended rules and form will be effective February 22, 2015:
Rule 5101:2-16-07 "County agency responsibilities for the administration of publicly funded child care" is being amended to reference the revised JFS 01138.
Rule 5101:2-16-30 "Eligibility requirements for receipt of publicly funded child care benefits" is being amended to reference the revised JFS 01138 and include early head start as a reason for continued eligibility.
Rule 5101:2-16-34 "Income eligibility requirements for publicly funded child care benefits" is being amended to reference the revised JFS 01138.
5101:2-16-35 "County agency responsibilities for determining eligibility for publicly funded child care benefits" is being amended to reference the revised JFS 01138.
5101:2-16-35.1 "Caretaker eligibility requirements to qualify for publicly funded child care benefits" is being amended to reference the revised JFS 01138.
JFS 01138 "Application for Child Care Benefits" is being revised to add language to the Rights and Responsibility section to notify a caretaker that by signing the application they are agreeing to allow the county agency and/or ODJFS to share information with identified child care providers regarding the caretaker's application and eligibility for publicly funded child care.
The new version of the JFS 01138 (rev. 2/2015) shall be completed by caretakers who apply for child care on or after the date of this letter. Either version of this form (1/2014 or 2/2015) shall be accepted until March 31, 2015.