Type B Home providers are now licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). The county agency is responsible for accepting and processing applications and completing compliance inspections for Type B Home providers. Upon the completion of an inspection, county agency staff submit a recommendation for a provisional or continuous Type B Home provider license to ODJFS.
ODJFS staff monitor county agency staff to ensure compliance with the Ohio Administrative Code. Two of the forms that are used by ODJFS staff to monitor county agency staff have been revised since their original issuance.
A new form has been created for county agencies to provide documentation if a provider has been cited for any serious risk non-compliances (SRNC) since January 1, 2014. This form is submitted by the county agency at registration and will be used to determine the provider's eligibility or continued eligibility in Step Up To Quality.
New policy:
The following Type B Home provider monitoring forms have been revised as follows:
JFS 01351, "County Department of Job and Family Services (CDJFS) File Monitoring Tool," is used by ODJFS to document the review of county agency Type B Home provider files. The column headings have been revised, the questions regarding follow-up inspections have been removed and the instructional key has been updated to reflect the changes made to the column headings.
JFS 01352, "County Department of Job and Family Services (CDJFS) File and Procedure Monitoring Tool," is used by ODJFS to document how the county agency meets the requirements for recommending Type B Home providers for licensure. The boxes for the arrival and departure times have been revised to allow for multiple visits, if applicable, and the language regarding the rules has been revised to mirror what is stated in the current rules.
The following Type B Home provider form is new:
JFS 01134, "Serious Risk Non-Compliance Documentation for Step Up To Quality," is used by the county agency to document if a Type B Home provider has been cited for any serious risk non-compliances (SRNC) since January 1, 2014.