This letter is to notify stakeholders that four new Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) forms, listed below, are being introduced. These forms have been developed to document and track the enrollment of child care staff in specialized coaching, mentoring or study group trainings.
In order to expand traditional professional development offerings to support the child care workforce as it grows professionally, the Bureau of Child Care and Development will now be accepting study groups and coaching and mentoring experiences to meet the specialized training requirement for Step Up To Quality. The criteria and application were established by a stakeholder group with a strong knowledge base of these types of professional development opportunities.
JFS 01531"Community of Learners Memorandum of Commitment" is a required form to be used to document child care staff members' enrollment in an approved study group or coaching/mentoring experience.
JFS 01532"Community of Learners Application" is a required form to be used to apply for approval of a study group or coaching/mentoring experience which will be used to receive Step Up to Quality specialized training credit.
JFS 01532-I"Instructions for Completing the Community of Learners Application" provides details about the Community of Learners program and how to complete and submit the application.
JFS 01558"Specialized Training Worksheet" is a sample form which is to be used to track required trainings for child care staff members at Step Up To Quality programs.
The electronic versions of the Child Care Manuals are located at: The manuals contain all child care rules, transmittal letters, procedure letters and forms.
Please contact the Help Desk for the Office of Families and Children at 1-866-886-3537, option 4 if you have any questions.
INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).
CCM | | JFS 01531 (10/2010) |
| | JFS 01532 (10/2010) |
| | JFS 01532-I (10/2010) |
| JFS 01558 (Rev. 4/2009) | JFS 01558 (Rev. 11/2010) |
CCMPL Transmittal Letters | | CCMPL No. 60 |