This letter is to notify stakeholders that five forms listed below have been revised, six new forms are being introduced and one form is being made obsolete. These changes to the forms are to accompany the child care licensing rules which were revised to improve the process for obtaining an initial license and renewing a current license.
The following is a summary of the changes to forms:
JFS 01209Type A Home Information Letter has been revised to reflect the new processes for applying for a type A home license.
JFS 01210Application For Child Care License has been revised to include the facility email address, the new instructions for filing an application and has been reformatted for easier usage.
JFS 01211Opening and Operating a Child Care Program - Child Care Licensing Procedural Guide has been revised to reflect the new processes for applying for a child care center license.
JFS 01250Plan Of Operation For A Child Care Center (the written plan of compliance for programs seeking a child care center license,) has been revised to reduce both the number of required attachments and the number of questions that must be answered.
JFS 01335Type A Home Plan Of Operation (the written plan of compliance for programs seeking a type A home license,) has been revised to better assess the administrator's ability to operate a child care business in the home.
The following is a summary of the proposed new forms:
JFS 01214Recommendation For Licensing Action For Child Care is a new form used by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) to indicate the information that is published on the child care license and to indicate any changes to the information.
JFS 01284Center And Type A Home Plan Of Operation Scorecard is a new tool that will be used when scoring the plan of operation. Effective September 1, 2010, programs must obtain a passing score on their prepared Plan of Operation or retake the second session of the pre-licensing training.
JFS 01284-IInstructions For The Center And Type A Home Plan Of Operation Scorecard is the instructions for completing the JFS 01284.
JFS 01286Plan Of Operation Submission And Status Report is a new form that applicants will use to submit their Plan of Operation for review by ODJFS and to reflect the current status of the program for which they are seeking a license.
JFS 01287Initial Application Information For COLTS is a new form which the program administrator will complete that provides basic information to be entered into the Central Office Licensing Tracking System (COLTS). The COLTS system will set up an account which applicants must access to submit their license application.
JFS 01288Central Office Licensing Tracking System (COLTS) Payment Voucher is a new form that will be sent to the applicant from the COLTS system when an applicant needs to submit an application fee. The form must be printed and mailed with the fee payment.
The following form is being proposed to be made obsolete:
JFS 01311 Criminal Record Checks for Owners and Administrators of Child Care Centers and Type A Homes will be removed as the new process for submitting criminal records checks for owners, administrators and adult residents in type A homes no longer requires the use of the form.
The electronic version of the Child Care Manual is located at: The manual contains all rules and transmittal letters that the department has issued to licensed child care centers. A current version of this manual should be accessible and utilized by all providers in all licensed child care centers. Please contact the Help Desk for the Office of Families and Children at 1-866-886-3537, option 4 if you have any questions.
INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).