This letter introduces three new forms that all eligible child care providers must use in order to receive payment for providing publicly funded child care services, as a result of the new automated eligibility, authorization and payment system.
This new system - the Child Care Information Data System, or "CCIDS" - will begin issuing payments to child care providers starting with services provided on March 28, 2010. All payments issued will be based on data submitted by each county department of job and family services (CDJFS).
Each provider must have a provider agreement with ODJFS in order to receive payment for child care services to eligible families. All three forms listed below are required and must be completed and submitted to ODJFS before it will issue payments.
Providers must have access to the Internet and a valid e-mail address in order to submit these forms. In future procedure letters, ODJFS will issue more information to providers about how to submit these forms.
The JFS 01144, "Provider Agreement for Publicly Funded Child Care Services," presents the terms and conditions for a child care provider to be reimbursed for providing publicly funded child care.
The JFS 01144 replaces the JFS 01224, "Contract for Purchase of Publicly Funded Child Care Services," which providers now use to contract with each CDJFS.
The JFS 01141, "Banking Information for Providers of Publicly Funded Child Care," will collect the providers' banking information so that ODJFS can issue payments electronically.
The JFS 01150, "Rate Information for Providers of Publicly Funded Child Care," will collect provider rates and other charges.
If you have questions or concerns about these forms, please contact the OFC Help Desk toll free at 1-866-886-3537.
INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that should be added to the Child Care Manual (CCM).
Appendix | | JFS 01141 (1/2010) |
| | JFS 01144 (1/2010) |
| | JFS 01150 (1/2010) |
Procedure Letters | | CCMPL No. 49 |