Amended Substitute House Bill No. 33 of
the 135th General Assembly included language that prohibits the ratings
developed for the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Program from taking into
consideration whether an administrator or employee of an early learning and
development program that participates in SUTQ holds or obtains a bachelor's,
master's, or doctoral degree. This includes when the Career Pathways Level or a
license requires a bachelor’s degree or higher to obtain.
The SUTQ program
currently utilizes point accruals for educational qualifications at the 4- and
5-star rating levels as outlined in Child Care Manual
Procedure Letter No 153.
New Policy:
The Center and FCC four- and five-star staff education
sub-domain standards have been revised to align with Ohio Revised Code. Additionally,
the total point accumulation for this domain has been updated. The new
standards will be effective on October 3, 2023:
Child Care Center Administrator:
Family Child Care Program Owner:
- A
minimum of an AA in an approved related field with a minimum of a CPL 3 (3 points)
minimum of an AA in an approved related field with a minimum of an
Administrator Credential Level (ACL) 3 (2 points)
- A
minimum of a CPL 3 (3 points)
minimum of an AA degree in an approved related field with an ACL 3 (2 points)
Lead Teacher:
Lead Teachers (if not the program owner):
percent have a minimum of an AA in an approved related field or a minimum of
a CPL 3, or an Ohio’s School-Age Lead Teacher Professional Endorsement
(counts if school-age only group) (3 points)
| - 100
percent have a minimum of an AA in an approved related field or a minimum of
a CPL 3 or an Ohio's School-Age Lead Teacher Professional Endorsement (if in
school-age only group) (4 points)
percent have a CDA or a CPL 2 or an Ohio's School-Age Lead Teacher
Professional Endorsement (if in school-age only group) (3 points);
percent have a minimum of an AA in an approved related field or a minimum of
a CPL 3 or an Ohio's School-Age Lead Teacher Professional Endorsement (if in
school-age only group) (2 points)
percent of teachers have a CDA or a CPL 2 or an Ohio's School-Age Lead
Teacher Professional Endorsement (if in school-age only group) (1 point)
Assistant Teachers:
- 100 percent have a CDA or CPL 2 or an Ohio’s
School-Age Assistant Teacher Professional Endorsement (counts if school-age
only group)
(4 points); or - 50 percent have an AA in an approved related
(3 points); or - 75 percent have a CDA or CPL 2 or an Ohio’s
School-Age Assistant Teacher Professional Endorsement (counts if school-age
only group)
(2 points); or - 50 percent have a CDA or CPL 2 or an Ohio’s
School-Age Assistant Teacher Professional Endorsement (counts if school-age
only group)
(1 point)
related fields are defined in rule 5101:2‑17‑01 of the Ohio Administrative
related fields are defined in rule 5101:2‑17‑01 of the Ohio Administrative
* Note:
An Ohio’s School-Age Administrator Professional Endorsement will not count
for points
* Note:
An Administrator "Ohio's School-Age Professional Endorsement" will
not count for points.
Programs registering for an initial 4- or 5-star SUTQ rating
prior to October 3, 2023 will be assessed based on the 4- and 5-star standards
outlined in Child
Care Manual Procedure Letter No 153.
Programs registering for an initial 4- or 5-star SUTQ rating on
or after October 3, 2023, will be assessed based on the new 4- and 5-star standards
which do not allow for consideration of a bachelor’s degree or higher. Child
care programs will need to meet the point threshold for the requested rating
using other available point options.
Programs in continuous rating status may retain the extra points
for administrators or lead teachers having a bachelor’s degree or higher until
October 2, 2024, as long as the program still meets the 3-star staff education
for administrator and lead teacher education. For example, a continuously rated
program was awarded 5 extra points because 100% of their lead teachers hold a
bachelor’s degree. The program will be awarded those same points during the
continuous onsite visit as long as the program meets the 3-star standard for a
lead teacher.
The current 1- to 3-star center and FCC standards, and the
revised 4- and 5-star center and FCC standards are attached to this procedure
We continue to appreciate the education, experience, and
knowledge that early childhood professionals bring to the field. With this
change, the State will review the current CPL structure. Prior to October 2024,
new standards will be in effect that will compensate for this new ORC
requirement. Programs will be given adequate notice of new standards, including
time to prepare their programs to align with the new standards.
Please contact the Child Care Policy
Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.