OAC rules require child care providers to access OCLQS for
licensing actions.
New Form:
JFS 01735 "OCLQS Access Form"
is a new form child care providers will use to identify an individual(s) in the
system "owner role" to be granted access to OCLQS. A person(s) must
be named to act in the "owner role" to initiate and submit new
applications/registrations and add/remove other system users.
This form is for system access that will allow the individual to
update information required in rules 5101:2-12-02, 5101:2-13-02, 5101:2-18-02
and 5101:2-18-03. This form does not replace the JFS 00598 "Owner's
Authorized Representative/Partnership for Child Care."
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347,
option 4, if you have any questions.