The Career Pathways Level (CPL) provides licensing and Step Up
To Quality (SUTQ) star rated programs an alternative pathway to meet the
education requirements for a child care staff member or administrator. The CPL
uses an approved framework to document formal education, experience, training,
mentoring and current credentials to achieve one of six professional
designations. Along with a stakeholder review, the CPL was updated and posted
to clearance April 3, 2017 through April 14, 2017 and July 11, 2017 through
July 24, 2017. Based on stakeholder and Clearance feedback, the CPL has further
been updated and clarified.
Clearance Updates:
The following updates have been completed per Clearance and
stakeholder comment:
Ohio Approved
Instructors: The Professional Development Workgroup, which includes the
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio
Department of Health, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, and the
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, have focused their
efforts to streamline the requirements to become an Ohio Approved Instructor.
The proposed changes have removed the CPL from the Ohio Approved Instructor
Requirements as well as provided an associates degree as an option to become an
Ohio Approved Instructor at a level one. These changes are effective October 1,
Family Child Care SUTQ
Points: The new points for the CPL currently
do not match the point values reflected in the SUTQ standards in rule
5101:2-17-01 of the Administrative Code for family child care (FCC) owner and
lead teacher education levels. Until the rule is amended, the standard
will be assessed using only the level listed within rule, disregarding the
minimum points. For example, the 3-Star requirement for all FCC program
owners is a CPL 2 with a minimum of 125 points. This will now be assessed
requiring only a CPL 2. These changes will be effective July 1, 2018.
CPL Calculation: CPL
points are maintained and calculated ongoing within the Ohio Professional Registry
(OPR) and verified by the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Agency Association.
For example, if an individual has an expired CDA and the CDA is not renewed or
submitted to the OPR by the expiration, the points awarded for a current CDA
credential are no longer included in the total point value for the
Credential and
Certificates: Current credentials and certificates have been updated as
submitted to include: Physical Therapist, Ohio School Counselor, Early
Intervention Specialist Birth to Three, and Developmental Specialist. Early
Intervention Program Assistant was removed as well as the School Age
Transition Plan:
The implementation of the updated CPL will occur July 1, 2018
for all early childhood education professionals. Early childhood professionals
will have from October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 to gain an understanding
of the updated CPL and prepare for the appropriate pathway. The final Career Pathways Level Model and the
Ohio Approved Instructors document are available at