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CCMPL 8 (Head Start Transition ODE to ODJFS - ARCHIVE)
Child Care Manual Procedure Letter No. 8
August 8, 2003
TO: All Child Care Manual Users
FROM: Thomas J. Hayes, Director
SUBJECT: Transition of Child Care Programs from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS)

As you are aware, as a result of HB 95, the licensing responsibilities for Head Start child care programs will be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services effective September 1, 2003. Regular licensing inspections will begin as of that date, as will complaint investigations if needed.

In order to facilitate an effective transition, all Head Start programs are asked to provide the following information to the department by August 20, 2003:

  • center name;
  • address, including zip code;
  • county where the center is located;
  • the name of the administrator;
  • license expiration date.

This verification will assure accurate and complete information for the ODJFS data entry project to support timely notification to Head Start centers of future inspections as they become due. This information should be sent to the attention of the Head Start Transition Project: by fax: (614) 728-6803, e-mail to smithk03@odjfs.state.oh.us, or mail to Child Care Licensing, Bureau of Child Care and Development, 255 East Main Street, Third Floor, Columbus, OH 43215.

The following licensing procedures will be implemented immediately:

  • ODJFS licensing staff will be in contact with all Grantees to verify all child care programs in their respective counties in order to assign the center's six digit ODJFS file number, and indicate the assigned ODJFS specialist.
  • Centers needing to be initially licensed (new centers) either before or during the first week of September 2003 need to continue pursuing completion of their licensing process with ODE, in order to be transferred to ODJFS with licensure in place.
  • Centers whose license expiration date falls within the months of September 2003 and October 2003 and who do not already have their ODJFS renewal application packet for processing need to contact the Head Start Transition Project right away to assure receipt of the necessary forms. The ODJFS Field Office, serving the county in which the program is located, will contact you to arrange for a renewal on-site as soon as possible.
  • Programs whose license expiration date falls within the months of November 2003 through March of 2004 can expect to receive their renewal application packet during the month of October 2003.

The following is the procedure for implementation of ODJFS forms:

In order to provide for a transition period, Head Start forms for existing programs will be accepted in lieu of ODJFS forms until September 2004 with the exception of the forms listed below. Programs are encouraged to begin utilizing ODJFS forms as soon as possible, and will be provided technical assistance during regular on-site visits. Full implementation of all ODJFS forms is expected no later than September 1, 2004.

The following forms must be utilized beginning September 1, 2003:

JFS 01299 "Incident/Injury Report", JFS 01306 "Employee Record Chart", JFS 01235 "Sleep Position Waiver" (if applicable), JFS 01244 "First Aid Supplies List", and JFS 01250 "Center Plan of Operation" (only for newly opening centers).

Enclosed you will find a copy of JFS 01306 "Employee Record Chart (ERC)". This form is used to track center staffing and employee requirements. You will want to become familiar with use of this form as a means of keeping staffing information available for ODJFS. Also enclosed are the JFS 01244 "First Aid Supplies List" and the JFS 01299 "Incident/Injury Report" for reference.

The following are rules which should be noted because they are recent rules which contain upcoming deadline dates for compliance:

OAC Rule 5101:2-12-27 Training in First Aid/ CPR/Management of Communicable Disease and Child Abuse Prevention contains an in-service training deadline to have one staff trained in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to be on the center premises during all hours of program operation no later than October 1, 2003.

OAC Rule 5101:2-12-18 Transportation/Field Trip Safety contains a deadline for meeting the center vehicle inspection requirement no later than April 1, 2004.

On behalf of the Bureau of Child Care and Development and the Child Care Licensing Section, we wish the Head Start programs a warm welcome and look forward to our work together. Please feel free to contact the Child Care Licensing Section at (614) 466-3822. Please also visit the ODJFS Child Care Website at http://www.state.oh.us/odjfs/cdc/ for additional resources.