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CCMPL 20 (JFS 01577 and JFS 01578 Reference Guides)
Child Care Manual Procedure Letter No. 20
May 22, 2007
FROM: Helen E. Jones-Kelley, Director
SUBJECT: New Reference Guides for Licensed Child Care Centers and Type A Homes

The department has developed two reference guides that summarize the changes in child care licensing rules that were effective January 1, 2007, and how compliance will be assessed during licensing inspections. These reference guides will be available online in a PDF format. They may be downloaded, printed and copied. These reference guides are intended to be a concise review of the recent rule changes.

JFS 01577 "January 1, 2007 Rule Changes to the Child Care Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers". This is a new form developed to assist child care center staff in identifying changes in the rules that affect their program.

JFS 01578 "January 1, 2007 Rule Changes to the Child Care Licensing Rules for Type A Homes". This is a new form developed to assist type A child care providers in identifying changes in rules that affect their program.

The electronic version of the Child Care Manual is located at:

http://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov. The manual contains all rules, forms, transmittal letters and procedure letters that the department has issued to child care providers. A current version of this manual should be utilized by staff in all licensed child care centers and type A homes. A current and updated copy of the manual should be accessible to staff at all times in the center or type A home.

Forms can be located at: http://www.odjfs.state.oh.us/forms/inter.asp. The department will notify all licensed centers and type A homes when forms are changed and the date of the change. When forms are obsolete they should no longer be used. The old version of the form should be removed and replaced with the new one. The use of current forms is necessary in order to be in compliance with child care licensing rules.

Please contact the Office for Children and Families, Help Desk at 1-866-886-3537, option 4 if you have any questions.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).

CCM Procedure Letters  CCM Procedure Letter No. 20
Child Care Manual Appendix  JFS 01577 (1/2007)
 JFS 01578 (1/2007)