Child Care Center Rules
** Rule 5101:2-12-35 has been rescinded **
5101:2-12-35 Incident/Injury Report for Licensed Child Care Centers
Effective Date: December 1, 2011

(A)An incident/injury report shall be completed by the child care staff member in charge of the child when the following occur:

(1)An illness, accident, or injury which requires first aid treatment; or

(2)A bump or blow to the head; or

(3)Emergency transporting; or

(4)An unusual or unexpected event which jeopardizes the safety of children or staff, such as, a child leaving the center unattended.

(B)The center shall document the incident/injury on the JFS 01299 "Incident/Injury Report" (rev. 6/2007). The completed report shall be given on the day of the incident/injury to the parent, guardian, or person picking up the child from the center. In situations requiring emergency transportation, the incident/injury report shall be available at the center for the parent or guardian within at least twenty-four hours following the incident/injury. Copies of incident/injury report forms shall be kept on file at the center for at least one year, and shall be available for review by the director's representative.

(C)Notification of incidents to the licensing office: the center administrator or designee shall speak with a representative from the appropriate licensing office within twenty-four hours during the week, or within forty-eight hours if the incident occurs on a weekend or holiday in the event of any of the following:

(1)Death of a child at the center.

(2)Serious incident, injury, or illness to a child as defined in paragraph (C) of rule 5101:2-12-34 of the Administrative Code.

(3)An unusual or unexpected event as described in paragraph (A)(4) of this rule.

(D)Written notification shall follow the twenty-four hour verbal notification and shall be on the JFS 01299. This form shall be faxed,or mailed, or scanned and emailed or submitted online to the licensing office within three business days from the occurrence. Submission of the JFS 01299 does not fulfill the verbal notification requirements of paragraph (C) of this rule. This notification does not replace reporting to the public children services agency if there are concerns of child abuse or neglect.


R.C. 119.032 review dates: 08/09/2011



Promulgated Under: 119.03

Statutory Authority: 5104.011

Rule Amplifies: 5104.011

Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/81, 9/1/86, 1/2/92(Emer), 4/1/92, 4/1/03, 1/1/07, 6/1/07