FSTL 226 (Intercounty Transfer)
Food Stamp Transmittal Letter No. 226
June 30, 1999
TO: Food Stamp Certification Handbook Holders
FROM: Jacqueline Romer-Sensky, Director
SUBJECT: Intercounty Transfer IEVS Miscellaneous

These rules were proposed to be effective July15, 1999. If no revisions are made to the proposed rules prior the finalization by JCARR, they will become effective on a permanent basis on July 15, 1999. If changes are necessary, a copy of the revised rules will be forwarded to you at that time.

Intercounty Transfer

The intercounty transfer procedure involves the inclusion of all original hard copy verifications which relate to a case or assistance group/participant being transferred to another county. Language in Procedure #16 and rule 5101:4-8-25 has been revised at the request of the Fraud Control Section to allow the overissuance claim case to remain in the county in which the overissuance was originally established even though the associated assistance group (AG) case file may be transferred to another county. Appendix #33 has also been updated. Effective July 15, 1999, only copies of documentation that a claim exists shall be included in the case file transfer.

Counties which transferred requested cases with established or pending unassigned claims prior to July 15, 1999, will need to deal with these claims on a case-by-case basis. The original county has the option to retrieve control of a claim which it had previously transferred. The hard copy overissuance claim can be returned to the original county. The original county has the capability of entering information into the CRIS-E system even though the current location of the case may reside in another county. Counties involved in these situations should come to a mutual agreement concerning which county will process the claim.

A one-time ad hoc report has been created to identify claims already transferred but not assigned.


Policy language in rule 5101:4-7-09 has been revised to reflect an electronic interface between the Ohio Department of Human Services (ODHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Benefits Earnings Exchange Record (BEER) information available from the SSA and ODHS' State Verification and Exchange

System (SVES) will allow the electronic transfer of benefit information for applicants/participants of the Ohio Works First (OWF), Medicaid and Food Stamp programs. This exchange of benefit information will enhance the eligibility determination requirements for state participation in the IEVS program.

Updates of FSCH Table of Contents, Index, Procedural Section Index Part II and Appendices

Due to the fact that the entire FSCH is now converted to rule format and because this FSTL issues material which prepares the handbook for online conversion to the ODHS Innerweb, the Table of Contents has been converted to rule format.

In addition, the Index has also been converted to rule format due to Innerweb conversion; FSCH section numbers will eventually be removed from the actual rules. Procedures, charts, and examples of the Procedural Section have been reviewed and updated for conversion. FSCH section numbers have been changed to rule reference numbers on the procedures.

The flow charts to Procedure 5 have been updated to reflect current regulations for work registration/work programs/noncompliance with work registration and work program activity. A separate flow chart has been redesigned for work registration/referral to OBES for work activity as this is still valid per federal law, thus there may be potential individuals to be served and it is still a recognized procedure. Due to the anticipated agency merger of ODHS and OBES, it is a procedure to be maintained for future use. The reference to Chapter 10000 of the Public Assistance Manual has been changed to "Ohio Revised Code". In terms of sanctioning, language pertaining to "AG name for noncompliance " has been removed due to obsolescence.

The Appendix Index has been updated to reflect numerous changes. Appendix #19 is now ODHS 7406 from ODPW 7406. Appendix #22 has had the word "Information" added to its title as it was previously omitted in error. Appendices #32, 50, 51, 52, 53, 85, and 86 are now reserved as they are obsolete.


This policy is effective July 15, 1999. No desk review is required.


The Table of Contents, Index, and the Procedural Sections have been updated to reflect rule references. Due to the numerous changes these sections have not been lined in the left margin as we have done in the past. There were no significant policy changes in the Procedural Section.

The word "household" has been changed to "AG" in various places.

Rule 5101:4-1-03, the definition of "Food and Consumer Service (FCS)" now refers the reader to "Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)" for the definition.

The word "recertification" has been changed to "reapplication" in the Procedural Section Index, Procedure 2 title and throughout Procedure 2.

The word "JOBS" has been changed to "work" in the title of Procedure 13 of the Procedural Section Index and "work program unit" and "work activity" throughout Procedure 13.

In Procedure 1, a hyphen has been added between the words "legally" and "obligated".

The word "checklist" is now correctly spelled in Procedure 1.

In the Example to Procedure 1, Verification Request Letter, the word "binding" has been changed to "obligated". In the Example, Verification Checklist, the word "you" has been changed to "your" under the "Proof of Citizenship or Alien Status" block.

In Procedure 5, the words "Information Form" have been replaced with the number "7449".

Also, the word "failed" has been changed to "fails".

A hyphen has been added between the words "income" and "producing" in Procedure 8.

The period in Procedure 9, #1, dot #3, has been changed to a semi-colon. The words " or its CRIS-E equivalent" have been added.

The reference to "Public Assistance Policy" has been changed to "Bureau of Program Integrity" in Procedure 10.

Appendix #19 has been updated. Due to the upcoming millenium change, the year field will now be indicated by "YY". If necessary for CDHS to use this form may be hand-written. Due to EBT conversion, only small supplies of this form should be ordered to be kept on hand.

Nonsubstantive corrections have been made to the following rules due to errors made in some of the May 1999 FSTL rules: 5101:4-2-03, 5101:4-7-03, 5101:4-7-07, 5101:4-7-09, 5101:4-7-11, 5101:4-7-13, 5101:4-8-03, 5101:4-8-15, 5101:4-8-17, 5101:4-8-19, and 5101:4-8-25.

Other minor changes were have been made to rules 5101:4-2-01, 5101:4-2-02, 5101:4-4-13 and 5101:4-4-19.