FSTL 217 (Application for Cash, Medical and Food Stamp Assistance - ODHS 7200)
Food Stamp Transmittal Letter No. 217 No. 393
May 15, 1998
TO: Food Stamp Certification Handbook Holders Public Assistance Manual Holders
FROM: Arnold R. Tompkins, Director
SUBJECT: Application for Cash, Medical and Food Stamp Assistance - ODHS 7200 Your Rights and Responsibilities - ODHS 7501

Changes in the ODHS 7200 "Application for Cash, Medical and Food Stamp Assistance" and ODHS 7501 "Your Rights and Responsibilities" effective June, 1, 1998:

Ohio Works First, Disability Assistance, Medicaid, and ADC-Related Medicaid

The Self-Declaration Information section of the ODHS 7200 has been modified with the removal of the question "Have you or anyone else in your family who is living with you now been convicted any time after August 22, 1996 under a federal or state law of any offense which is classified as a felony and which includes possession, use or distribution of a controlled substance?" since there is no longer a requirement that this be a self-declaration.

The inclusion of the "Voter Registration Form" within the ODHS 7200 has resulted in some confusion by applicants as to where they should return their applications. Some applications have been incorrectly mailed to the Secretary of State and have had to be rerouted back to the CDHS. In order to alleviate this confusion, the "Voter Registration Form" has been removed from the ODHS 7200. However, in order to continue to provide the applicants an opportunity to register to vote, the "Voter Registration Form" and "Notice of Rights" are still considered required items to be included with the application packet. This is delineated in PAM Section 1012.

Language changes have been made within the ODHS 7200 and the ODHS 7501 to change "TANF" to "OWF" and to remove references to the $50 child support disregard payment.

MTL Instructions

Remove and file as obsolete from the appendix of Chapter 1000 the form headed ODHS 7200 "Application for Cash, Medical and Food Stamp Assistance" (Rev. 7/97) and replace with the attached ODHS 7200 (Rev. 6/98).

Remove and file as obsolete from the appendix of Chapter 1000 the form headed ODHS 7501 " Your Rights and Responsibilities" (Rev. 7/97) and replace the attached ODHS 7501(Rev. 6/98).

Food Stamps

The Self-Declaration Information section of the ODHS 7200 has been modified with the removal of the question, "Have you or anyone else in your family who is living with you now been convicted any time after August 22, 1996 under a federal or state law of any offense which is classified as a felony and which includes possession, use or distribution of a controlled substance?" There is no longer a requirement that this be a self-declaration.

The "Voter Registration Form" has been removed from the ODHS 7200, although OAC 5101:4-2-01 still requires that individuals be given the opportunity to register to vote when applying for assistance. (Reference second paragraph of "Ohio Works First, Disability Assistance, Medicaid, and ADC-Related Medicaid" section of this cover letter for additional information relating to this removal.)

A statement has been added to the ODHS 7200 and the ODHS 7501 to inform applicants/recipients of the mandatory verification requirement of expenses for food stamp deductions and that failure to report or verify any deductible expense will be seen as a statement that the household does not want to receive a deduction.


All revisions to the ODHS 7200 and the ODHS 7501 outlined in this transmittal are effective June 1, 1998.

A Customer Service Request (CSR) has been submitted to Management Information Services (MIS) to request the corresponding revisions to the CRIS-E automated application and rights and responsibilities.