Procedure # 11 - Determination of an AG's Eligibility During an IPV Disqualification Period

NOTE: These examples will not be updated to reflect changes due to cost of living adjustments.

EXAMPLE #1Nondisqualified AG members are eligible during the IPV disqualification period.

John Doe, Jane Doe, and Mary Doe apply for food stamps on 2/1. John Doe is subject to a 12-month IPV disqualification which began on December 1 of the previous year and will end November 30. The AG's situation is as follows.

John: $500 monthly unearned income

Jane: $400 monthly unearned income

Mary: no income

Resources: $1.000 (includes John's resources)

Shelter costs: $500 rent plus utilities (AG is eligible for the utility standard)

No one is elderly or disabled, as defined in the Glossary.

Presume that the AG does not meet any type of categorical eligibility.

The determination of the eligibility of the AG members who are not subject to IPV disqualification is done as follows.

Resource test: Jane and Mary have $1,000 in resources counted toward them. This does not exceed their resource limit.

Gross income test: Since neither Jane nor Mary is elderly or disabled and they are not categorically eligible, the gross income test is applicable. The gross income standard for a two-person AG is $1219,. Since John's income has to be counted toward Jane and Mary, the AG has $900 gross monthly income. Jane and Mary pass the gross income test.

Net income test: Since Jane and Mary are not categorically eligible, they are subject to the net income test for a two-person AG. The maximum net income a two-person AG may have is $938. The AG's net income is determined as follows.

$500 unearned income (John)
+400 unearned income (Jane)
____0 (Mary)
-134 standard deduction
$500 rent
+244 utility standard
$744 total shelter expenses
-383 50% of $766
$361 shelter deficiency
-300 shelter deduction (maximum allowed for this AG)
$466 net adjusted income (is compared to net income standard)

The maximum net adjusted income an AG of two may have is $938. (Jane and Mary pass the test.

Issuance of benefits: Jane and Mary are eligible for an allotment. An AG size of 2 with a net (adjusted) income of $466 receives $98 per month in food stamps. Unless a change occurs, this amount will be issued through the end of the IPV disqualification period.

EXAMPLE #2Nondisqualified AG members are ineligible during the IPV disqualification period.

George Smith, Mary Smith, and Bill Smith apply for food stamps on 4/1. George is serving a 12-month IPV disqualification period that began March 1 and will end April 30. The AG's situation is as follows.

George: $600 monthly unearned income

Mary: $700 monthly unearned income

Bill: no income

Resources: $1,000 (includes George's resources)

Shelter costs: $350 rent plus utilities (AG is eligible for the utility standard)

No one is elderly or disabled as defined in the Glossary.

The AG is not categorically eligible.

The determination of the eligibility of the AG members who are not subject to IPV disqualification is done as follows.

Resource test: Mary and Bill have $1,000 in resources counted toward them. This does not exceed their resource limit.

Gross income test: Since neither Mary or Bill is elderly or disabled and they are not categorically eligible, the gross income standard is applicable. The gross income maximum for a two-person AG is $1,219. Since George's income has to be counted toward Mary and Bill, Mary and Bill's gross monthly income is $1,300. Mary and Bill fail the gross income test.

The AG would be issued a denial notice. The AG should be advised to reapply when George's disqualification period ends.