CAMTL 9 (Cash Assistance Manual (CAM): July 2003 Rule Review)
Cash Assistance Manual Transmittal Letter No. 9
May 21, 2003

The rules contained in this transmittal have been reviewed in accordance with Section 119.03 of the Ohio Revised Code. Pursuant to this Revised Code section, each state agency is required to review its rules a minimum of once every five years. The intent of the law is to ensure that rules are clearly written and that program requirements are accurate, up-to-date, and clearly expressed. To the extent possible, unnecessary paperwork will be eliminated and local agencies will be given flexibility. The purpose of a rule review is to determine whether a rule should be continued without amendment, be amended, or be rescinded, taking into consideration each rule's scope and purpose.

Following is a brief description of the rules that have been reviewed that are contained in this CAMTL.


5101:1-1-40 Administrative Subpoena

This rule is being revised to change the name of Ohio Department of Human Services to Ohio Department of Job and Family Services as well as to change the name of County Department of Human Services to County Department of Job and Family Services. There are no other changes to this rule.

5101:1-2-80 Direct Deposit-Electronic Funds Transfer of Cash Assistance Payments

This rule has been amended to delete obsolete references to ODHS and CDHS, and to replace those references with ODJFS and CDJFS. The rule has also been amended to delete obsolete language regarding the provision of hearing rights when an individual's request for exemption from electronic funds transfer is denied. These references are removed because the method of payment of benefits is not an appealable issue.


5101:1-23-60 OWF: Underpayments

This rule is amended to delete references to the CDHS and replaces them with CDJFS. No substantive changes are made in this rule.

5101:1-23-75 OWF and PRC: Assistance Group Ineligibility Due to Receipt of Fraudulent Assistance

Existing rule 5101:1-23-75 is being rescinded and is being replaced by new rule 5101:1-23-75. There are no substantive changes made in the new rule 5101:1-23-75; the changes made in the new rule are for rule-formatting purposes only.


5101:1-2-60 Repatriate Program

This rule is being revised to change the name of Department of Human Services to Department of Job and Family Services as well as to change the name of County Department of Human Services to County Department of Job and Family Services. There are no other substantive changes to this rule.

5101:1-2-70 Disaster Relief

This rule is being rescinded as a result of the review of statutory authority within the Department of Job and Family Services. In accordance with Section 5502.22 of the Revised Code, there is hereby established within the Department of Public Safety an emergency management agency, which shall be governed under rules adopted by the director of public safety under section 5502.25 of the Revised Code. The director, with the concurrence of the governor, shall appoint an executive director, who shall be head of the emergency management agency. The executive director shall coordinate all activities of all agencies for emergency management within the state, shall maintain liaison with similar agencies of other states and of the federal government, shall cooperate with those agencies subject to the approval of the governor, and shall develop a statewide emergency operations plan that shall meet any applicable federal requirements for such plans. In accordance with Section 5502.26 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners of a county and the chief executive of all or a majority of other political subdivisions within the county may enter into a written agreement establishing a county wide emergency management agency. In accordance with Section 5502.571 of the Revised Code, all agencies, boards, and divisions having emergency management functions within the political subdivision shall cooperate in the development of the all-hazards emergency operations plan and shall cooperate in the preparation and conduct of an annual exercise. Based upon the above named sections of the revised code, a promulgated rule governing disaster relief by the Department of Job and Family Services is not required.


CHAPTER 1000  
Administrative Subpoena 5101:1‑1‑40
(effective July 1, 1998)
(effective July 1, 2003)
Direct Deposit-Electronic Funds Transfer of Cash Assistance Payments 5101:1‑2‑80
(effective July 1, 1998
(effective July 1, 2003)
CHAPTER 2000  
OWF: Underpayments 5101:1‑23‑60
(effective October 1, 1999)
(effective July 1, 2003)
OWF and PRC: Assistance Group Ineligibility Due to Receipt of Fraudulent Assistance 5101:1‑23‑75
(effective April 1, 2000)
(effective July 1, 2003)
CHAPTER 4000  
Outline of Contents to Chapter 4000 Outline of Contents
(effective April 1, 2002)
Outline of Contents
(effective July 1, 2003)
Repatriate Program 5101:1‑2‑60
(effective July 1, 1998)
(effective July 1, 2003)
Disaster Relief 5101:1‑2‑70
(effective July 1, 1998)