CAMTL 4 (November 1, 2002 CAMTL)
Cash Assistance Manual Transmittal Letter No. 4
September 26, 2002

This letter transmits changes with the proposed effective date of November 1, 2002, with the exception of rule 5101:1-23-01, which has an effective date of October 10, 2002. If there are any changes made to any of the rules contained in this CAMTL during the JCARR review period, corrected rules will be sent out in the next CAMTL. This cover letter includes a summary statement of policy changes. Each statement references the clearance control number (CCN) assigned when the policy change was placed in the clearance process.


In preparation for a Medicaid-only manual, Chapter 1000 of the CAM is being revised. Current Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules within the chapter will be revised to remove references to the Medicaid program. Throughout the rules, the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, the Ohio Department of Human Services, and County Department of Human Services' names have been corrected to reflect the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and the County Department of Job and Family Services.

Rule 5101:1-1-03 "Disclosure of Recipient Information, Nondiscrimination, and Treatment of Information Received from the IRS and Social Security"

There are no significant changes to this rule. In section (F)(2)(b), the use of the State Data Exchange (SDX) for the residential state supplement (RSS) payment has been removed. (CCN 4671)

Rule 5101:1-1-13 "Assistance Group Records"

There are no significant changes to this rule. Policy language has been revised to reflect the removal of medicaid and RSS and the addition of Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) in the assistance group record. Section (A)(6) removes reference to the nursing home quarterly report. In Section (A)(7), the ODJFS State verification and exchange system (SVES) replaces TPQY verification. In section (B), the JFS 07216, Combined Programs Application has been removed and the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) Application has been added. In section (C) of this rule, reference to the medicaid program has been removed from the assistance group eligibility and budgetary records. (CCN 4671)

Rule 5101:1-1-14 "Intercounty Transfers"

There are no significant changes to this rule. In section (D)(1)(a), policy language is revised to remove reference to the JFS 07216, Combined Programs Application (CPA). In (D)(1)(a)(iii), reference to the JFS 07216 has been deleted; healthchek and at-risk pregnancy have been removed. Section (F)(3) and (F)(4) have been deleted regarding the JFS 02453, Inpatient Hospital Admission form for pending medicaid applications, as well as the associated hospital admission CRIS-E screen, ARHA. (CCN 4671)

Rule 5101:1-1-36 "Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Program"

There are no significant changes to this rule. In sections (D)(2)(a), (4)(a), and (6)(a) of this rule, references to medicaid and ADC-related medicaid have been removed for matching of IEVS information from source agencies. In section (I)(6), medical support language has been removed.

Section (H) contains examples of medicaid case responsibility exceptions in the intercounty transfer process, which have now been removed. (CCN 4671)

Rule 5101:1-2-15 "Voter Registration Requirement"

There are no significant changes to this rule. Section (C)(2) has been revised to remove reference to the medicaid program. A revised Voter Registration Form with a new mailing address for the Office of the Secretary of State is included. Revised forms will be available from the Bureau of Business Services when the current stock of voter registration forms have been depleted. (CCN4671)

Rule 5101:1-2-20 "OWF/DA/RCA: Verification and Reporting Requirements"

This rule is being amended to remove language from the reporting requirements section that no longer applies. In paragraph (B)(1), information on licensed vehicles has been removed as no cash program counts the value of automobiles. Changes in medical insurance has also been removed since this requirement affects Medicaid coverage. A separate section with changes just required for the DA program has been added. The removal of the language in paragraph (B)(3) coincides with what has been removed from the food stamp rule.

At the request of some county agencies, the JFS 04219 "Request for Contact" (RFC) form that was introduced in FSTL #240, is being revised to include cash assistance programs. Paragraph (A)(7) of the rule includes language on the use of the JFS 04219 in securing documentation on unclear information. A Service Request Form (SRF) has been submitted to have the form automated in CRIS-E. A view flash bulletin will be issued when the form is automated.

The reporting requirements for OWF, DA and RCA have not changed. Assistance groups are required to report all changes within ten calendar days from the date that the change occurs. Even though assistance groups with earnings receiving food stamps are only required to report if their monthly income exceeds the 130% standard, OWF, DA and RCA assistance groups are still required to report ALL changes listed in paragraph (B) of the rule.

New paragraph (B)(5) has been added to clarify that the time frame for reporting requirements follows the provisions set forth in rule 5101:1-2-10 in the calculation of the ten days. (CCN 4944)

Rule 5101:1-2-30 "Citizenship: Ohio Works First and Disability Assistance"

This rule is being revised in paragraph (B)(16) to include language for the definition of a non-citizen known as an indefinite detainee or lifer. This individual has served time for a criminal conviction and has received a final order of removal by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, but remains indefinitely in the United States because his home country and no other country will accept him.

Paragraph (D)(3)(c) provides policy language which states that an indefinite detainee or lifer may have a status which makes him potentially eligible for refugee cash assistance in accordance with rule 5101:1-2-40 of the Administrative Code. (CCN 4943)

Rule 5101:1-2-30.1 "Benefit Eligibility: Victims of Trafficking"

This rule is being revised to reflect the removal of the expiration date on the certification letters and letters for children of victims of a severe form of trafficking. The initial certification letters for adults and eligibility letters for children contained eight-month expiration dates. However, as of November 6, 2001, certification letters for adults and letters for children no longer contain expiration dates.

Individuals certified on or after November 6, 2001 will receive notarized certification letters without an expiration date. A sample of the new certification letter without an expiration date is attached. Individuals who were certified before November 6, 2001 received certification letters with eight-month certification dates. As these letters begin to expire, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) will issue notarized re-certification letters without expiration dates. The re-certification letters will contain a lowercase "r" beside the HHS tracking number. A sample of a re-certification letter is attached. Please note that all original letters are printed on Health and Human Services (HHS) letterhead and will have a notary public stamp and seal at the bottom to help prevent fraudulent copies. (CCN 4943)

Rule 5101:1-2-30.2 "Benefit Eligibility: Indefinite Detainees/Lifers"This rule is being created to provide language for individuals who are non-citizens, who after having served time for a criminal conviction and being given a final order of removal by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, remain in the United States because their country and no other country will accept them. These indefinite detainees or lifers may have come to the U.S. as refugees or may have a status that makes them eligible for refugee cash assistance benefits.

Language is provided to explain the procedure for making an eligibility determination for refugee cash assistance in collaboration with Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement. (CCN 4943)

Rule 5101:1-2-55 "OWF/DA/RCA: Delayed Cash Assistance Payments and Replacement Warrants

This rule is being amended to remove references to the RSS program as this language will be found in proposed rule 5101:1-37-04. A reference to rule 5101:1-2-80 regarding the replacement of EFT benefits has been added to paragraph (Q). (CCN 4671)


Rule 5101:1-23-01 "Ohio Works First (OWF): Time-limited Receipt of Assistance"

Please note: The effective date of this rule is October 10, 2002 - which is different from the November 1, 2002 effective date of all of the other rules contained in this CAMTL.

This rule was amended to modify the definition of good cause at paragraph (B)(2) of the rule for clarity. It was not put into clearance because the language change was very minor and did not substantively change any meaning within the rule. The modified language in paragraph (B)(2) mirrors language found in Section 5107.18 of the Revised Code, with the insertion of the word "may" in reference to defining good cause. Paragraph (B)(2) now reads that "...good cause may include..." prior to the statutory listing of conditions for good cause. (No Clearance)


Rule 5101:1-2-40 "Refugee Resettlement Program: Refugee Cash Assistance"

This rule is being revised in paragraph (D)(7) to correct reference to the Administrative Code section which describes the criteria for destruction of RCA assistance group records.

Paragraph (F)(4)(c) is being revised to include the income of an ineligible spouse when determining eligibility and payment level for remaining members of an eligible refugee cash assistance group. (CCN 4943)


The JFS 03605 "CDJFS Referral to CMS" has been revised and is located in the Forms Appendix section of the Cash Assistance Manual.


CHAPTER 1000  
Outline of Contents to Chapter 1000 Outline of Contents
(effective April 1, 2002)
Outline of Contents
(effective November 1, 2002)
Disclosure of Recipient Information, and Treatment of Information Received from the IRS and Social Security Administration 5101:1‑1‑03
(effective July 1, 1999)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Assistance Group Records 5101:1‑1‑13
(effective July 1, 1998)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Intercounty Transfers 5101:1‑1‑14
(effective July 1, 1999)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Program 5101:1‑1‑36
(effective July 1, 1999)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Voter Registration Requirement 5101:1‑2‑15
(effective July 1, 1998)
(effective November 1, 2002)
OWF/DA/RCA: Verification and Reporting Requirements 5101:1‑2‑20
(effective July 1, 2001)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Citizenship: Ohio Works First and Disability Assistance 5101:1‑2‑30
(effective March 1, 2002)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Benefit Eligibility: Victims of Trafficking 5101:1‑2‑30.1
(effective March 1, 2002)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Benefit Eligibility: Indefinite Detainees/LifersN/A 5101:1‑2‑30.2
(effective November 1, 2002)
OWF/DA/RCA: Delayed Cash Assistance Payments and Replacement Warrants 5101:1‑2‑55
(effective October 1, 1998)
(effective November 1, 2002)
CHAPTER 2000  
Ohio Works First (OWF): Time-limited Receipt of Assistance 5101:1‑23‑01
(effective July 1, 2002)
(effective October 10, 2002)
CHAPTER 4000  
Refugee Resettlement Program: Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) 5101:1‑2‑40
(effective March 1, 2002)
(effective November 1, 2002)
Outline of Contents to Forms Appendix Outline of Contents
(effective April 1, 2002)
Outline of Contents
(effective November 1, 2002)
JFS FormsODHS 3605 - CDHS Referral to CMS JFS 03605 -
CDJFS Referral to CMS
 N/A JFS 04219 -
Request for Contact
Other Agency Forms Victims of Trafficking
Certification Letter
Victims of Trafficking:
Certification Letter
  Victims of Trafficking
Letter for Children
Victims of Trafficking:
Recertification Letter
 Voter Registration FormVoter Registration Form