CAM Chapter: 2000
OAC Rule: 5101:1-23-20
Reason for Change: The Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) program was implemented January 1, 2006, and is funded with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds. Kinship Permanency Incentive payments are designed to promote a permanent commitment by a kinship caregiver(s) through becoming guardians and custodians over minor children who would otherwise be unsafe or at risk of harm if they remained in their own homes. (More information about the program can be found at O.A.C. rule 5101:2-40-04, Kinship permanency incentive program, of the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual.)
Effective immediately, KPI payments are being excluded as countable income in the OWF and DFA programs in order to maximize the financial resources that can be provided for individuals who serve as kinship caregivers. Excluded income for OWF is set forth in rule 5101:1-23-20, and as set forth in rule 5101:1-5-40, income excluded under the OWF program is also excluded in the DFA program.
Prior Policy: None
New Policy: Effective January 1, 2006, all KPI payments received by kinship caregivers are excluded as countable income in the OWF and DFA programs.
Action Required: There is no desk review required; however, the CDJFS must correct any negative case action on any OWF or DFA case that was adversely affected (i.e., termination, reduction or denial of OWF or DFA cash assistance from January 1, 2006 through the date of issuance of this ACT.)
Code OT KP has been added to CRIS-E table TVIN to denote that KPI is countable only in the calculation of food stamp program benefits.