Apprenticeship Council Rules
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5101:11-7-03 Reinstatement of Program Registration
Effective Date: August 7, 2014

(A)The registration of any apprenticeship program de-registered for non-compliance with equal opportunity (EEO) rules, may be reinstated upon presentation of adequate evidence to the council office that the apprenticeship program is operating in accordance with those rules.

(B)Except for the situation described in paragraph (C) of this rule, a program de-registered for non-compliance with rules other than the EEO requirements, may only obtain reinstatement on the following conditions:

(1)Reinstatement may occur no earlier than one year after issuance of the de-registration order.

(2)The council office must determine with certainty that the program has been brought into compliance with all requirements for registered programs, based entirely on such evidence as the sponsor may present.

(C)Within one year of de-registration for inactivity under paragraph (C)(2) of rule 5101:11-3-02 of the Administrative Code, the council office may grant reinstatement, if it determines that the program in question:

(1)Has an acceptable set of current standards; and

(2)Is prepared to immediately enroll one or more apprentice(s).

(D)Upon request to the council office, a sponsor may reverse a voluntary de-registration within six months of its effective date, provided that on that date the council office had no current grounds to initiate involuntary de-registration proceedings.

Replaces: 5101:11-6-03

Effective: 08/07/2014

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 08/01/2019


Date: 07/28/2014

Promulgated Under: 119.03

Statutory Authority: 4139.03

Rule Amplifies: 4139.03, 4139.05

Prior Effective Dates: 10/8/71, 10/13/78, 6/20/79, 11/23/98, 3/22/04, 6/6/09