CCMEPPL 6 (CCMEP Modifications during COVID-19 restriction period)
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Procedure Letter No. 6
March 30, 2020
TO: Directors, County Department of Job and Family Services Directors, Local Workforce Development Boards
FROM: Kimberly Hall, Director Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
SUBJECT: Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) Temporary Modifications during COVID-19 Pandemic

Ohio’s Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP) provides person-centered case management coupled with tailored service delivery in support of Ohio’s commitment and objective of expanding educational and employment opportunities for Ohio’s youth.


On March 9, 2020 Governor Mike DeWine declared a state of emergency for the entire state of Ohio (Executive Order 2020-01D) to protect the well-being of the residents of Ohio from COVID-19. In order to protect the lives, safety and health of Ohio’s residents, various orders have been issued from the Governor and the Ohio Department of Health to limit social interaction.  These orders include prohibiting mass gatherings (100 or more people in a single room); closing schools; prohibiting visitors in hospitals and jails; closing restaurants and bars; encouraging businesses to allow employees to work from home as well as asking parents to keep children out of day care settings. In addition to the state-declared state of emergency, on March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (Public Law 116-127) became law on March 18, 2020.

Ohio approved an extension of certification periods for the Ohio Works First (OWF) program in Action Change Transmittal Letter No. 272. For CCMEP, lead agencies can maintain compliance with Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:14-1-04 and 5101:14-1-05 in addition to prior guidance allowing verbal signatures to meet CCMEP requirements during the Pandemic.

New Procedures: Effective immediately, the following changes apply:

Extending Certification Periods:

  • All TANF participants scheduled to have their TANF eligibility expire in March 2020, who have not already been recertified for April 1, 2020, will have their semi-annual TANF recertification periods extended through September 2020.
  • No further TANF recertification actions will be required by the household or lead agency until September 2020.
  • If a participant has completed the semi-annual TANF recertification process in March 2020 and eligibility has been approved, the new recertification period will remain and will not be changed.
  • All participants due for the semi-annual TANF recertification in April 2020 will have their certification periods extended through October 2020.
  • All participants due for the semi-annual TANF recertification in May 2020 will have their certification periods extended through November 2020.

Verbal Signatures:

Ohio approved verbal signatures in Action Change Transmittal Letter  No. 271 for the Ohio Works First (OWF) program and CCMEP participants that are OWF work eligibles.  This CCMEP procedure letter confirms that verbal signatures by phone are allowed for all CCMEP participants to meet the requirements for IOPs, CCMEP assessments, Eligibility applications (JFS 3002), and other required forms under Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:14-1-04 and 5101:14-1-05 as well as WIOAPL 15-07.2 during the Pandemic. 

Verbal signatures should be documented in OWCMS in case notes using “On [Insert date] [Insert client name] provided a verbal signature to the [Insert form name(s)].  A copy of the [Insert form name(s)] has been mailed to the client.”

Prior to accepting a verbal signature, case managers must read the contents of the IOP including rights, responsibilities and service/activity details. Following the acceptance of any verbal signature(s), a copy of the IOP, Eligibility application, CCMEP assessment or other required forms must be mailed to the client.