FAPMTL 318 (Income Maintenance, Workforce, Social Services, and Child Welfare Random Moment Sample [RMS] Time Studies)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 318
April 9, 2015
TO: All Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Income Maintenance, Workforce, Social Services, and Child Welfare Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies

To provide the most current funding practices, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is amending Administrative Code rule 5101:9-7-20 "Income maintenance, workforce, social services, and child welfare random moment sample (RMS) time studies."

The rule incorporates revised Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 C.F.R. 200, issued December 26, 2013, as well as 45 C.F.R. 75, issued December 19, 2014. This final guidance supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circular A-87 and 2 C.F.R. 225.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS fiscal supervisor in the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services (OFMS), Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance (BCFTA) at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 75101:9‑7‑20 (effective 6/11/12)5101:9‑7‑20 (effective 4/12/15)