FAPMTL 307 (Small and Minority Businesses and Women's Business Enterprise and Labor Surplus Area Firms)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 307
February 2, 2015
TO: Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Small and minority businesses and women's business enterprise and labor surplus area firms

ODJFS is amending Administrative Code rule 5101:9-4-06 "Small and minority businesses and women's business enterprise and labor surplus area firms." This rule has been updated to reflect current references as the result of a five year rule review.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS Fiscal Supervisors/Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 45101:9‑4‑06 (effective 1/22/10)5101:9‑4‑06 (effective 2/2/2015)