FAPMTL 233 (Procurement Requirements)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 233
January 25, 2012
TO: Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: Procurement Requirements

As part of an internal five year rule review, ODJFS is rescinding Administrative Code rule 5101:9-4-07 "Procurement Requirements" and replacing it with more comprehensive rules 5101:9-4-07 "Procurement and Contract Requirements" and 5101:9-4-07.1 "Procurement Methods." This rule rescission and replacement does not change the requirements or allowable methods of procurement, the rules have been formatted to provide a better understanding of the competitive and noncompetitive process.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS Fiscal Supervisors/Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 45101:9‑4‑07 (effective 10/30/2006)5101:9‑4‑07 (effective 1/30/2012)
Chapter 4N/A5101:9‑4‑07.1 (effective 1/30/2012)