FAPMTL 201 (Financial Reporting Requirements For CFSA and WIA Local Areas)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 201
July 5, 2011
TO: All Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: Financial Reporting Requirements For County Family Services Agencies (CFSA) and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Local Areas

To reflect new funding practices, rule 5101:9-7-29 of the Administrative Code, "Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) supervised county agency financial reports," is being rescinded and replaced by a new rule with the same rule number. The title for the new rule will be "Financial reporting requirements for county family services agencies (CFSA) and Workforce Investment Act (WIA) local areas."

The most significant changes are:

  • Uploads of the financial data into the county finance information system (CFIS) are due no later than the eighteenth, rather than the twentieth, day of the month following the month of the transaction.
  • Financial statements will be submitted to the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services on a quarterly, rather than monthly, basis.
  • Final quarterly financial statements will be generated by CFIS.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS fiscal supervisor in the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services, Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance (BCFTA) at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 7 5101:9‑7‑29
(Effective 02/12/2007 )
(Effective 7/2/2011)