FAPMTL 189 ("ProtectOhio" Funding)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 189
February 8, 2011
TO: All Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: "ProtectOhio" Funding

As a result of a five year review, rule 5101:9-6-25 of the Administrative Code, "ProtectOhio" Funding, has been rescinded and replaced with a new rule to provide funding clarification.

Questions regarding this rule should be directed to your Fiscal Supervisor or the Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at 614-752-9194.


Chapter 6 5101:9‑6‑25
(Effective December 1, 2005 )
(Effective February 13, 2011)