FAPMTL 152 (Income Maintenance, Workforce, Social Services, and Child Welfare Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 152
April 8, 2010
TO: Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Douglas E. Lumpkin, Director
SUBJECT: Income Maintenance, Workforce, Social Services, and Child Welfare Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies

As directed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, ODJFS is amending Administrative Code rule 5101:9-7-20 "Income maintenance, workforce, social services, and child welfare random moment sample (RMS) time studies." The most significant changes/clarifications are outlined below:

  • "Core" hours have been replaced with "staff" hours.
  • Each agency will set up and submit the staff work hours to ODJFS, based upon the actual hours the agency is open unless entering separate employee groups. If the agency has employees working flex time, the agency has the option of setting up separate employee groups. If an agency exercises this option, the separate employee groups are based on the actual hours each employee group is scheduled to work.
  • Completed observation forms must be returned to the RMS coordinator or alternate within two business days.
  • Language has been added to assist in differentiating between a non-reimbursable and an invalid response.

If you have questions, please contact your ODJFS fiscal supervisor in the Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 7 5101:9‑7‑20
(effective 2/1/2008)
(effective 4/9/2010)