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APMTL 326 (WIA - Discrimination Complaint Procedure)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 326
March 15, 2006
TO: Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, Director
SUBJECT: WIA - Discrimination Complaint Procedure

Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:9-2-05 has been amended, effective April 1, 2006, to clarify the responsibilities of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Bureau of Civil Rights (ODJFS-BCR) and the WIA Workforce Development Agencies when a discrimination complaint is filed by a person alleging that he or she was discriminated against by the Workforce Development Agency on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, age, gender, religion, citizenship, political affiliation or belief, or participant status.

The amended rule makes clear that "all" discrimination complaints by persons utilizing the Workforce Development Agencies and claiming discrimination will be investigated by ODJFS-BCR. The rule requires that each Workforce Development Agency develop a Limited English Proficiency Plan setting out how the agency will serve individuals seeking services through the Workforce Development Agency who are limited English proficient (e.g., interpreters, language line, or bi-lingual employees). The amended rule also sets forth the Workforce Development Agency's responsibilities when a discrimination complaint is received by it and its duty to cooperate in the discrimination complaint's investigation by ODJFS-BCR.

Questions regarding this APMTL or rule 5101:9-2-05 should be directed to Paul Van Pelt or Joe Silver in the Bureau of Civil Rights at (614) 644-2703.