FCASPL 306 (New & Revised Forms)
Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Letter No. 306
June 28, 2016
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Changes to the Juvenile Court and the ODYS Social Services Random Moment Cost Allocation Quarterly Billing Form JFS 01797, Juvenile Court and the ODYS Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies Form JFS 01794, Instructions for completing JFS 01794, Juvenile Court and The ODYS Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies Form JFS01794-I and adding a new Form, Instructions for completing JFS 01791, Juvenile Court and the ODYS Social Services Random Moment Cost Allocations Quarterly Billing Form JFS 01791-I.

This letter transmits revisions to the forms JFS 01797, JFS 01794, JFS 01794-I and new form JFS 01797-I which provides instructions (including use of the 4281 report in SACWIS for Eligibility Ratio determination) for completion of the JFS 01797 pursuant to rule 5101:9-7-08 of the Administrative Code. These forms are effective for use beginning with Quarter 1 (July 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016) of SFY 2017. An explanation of the revisions appears below:

Form JFS 01797 - Revision

  • The ODYS has been added as an agency using this form for their quarterly administrative and training claims. The name of the agency was added to the title of the form.
  • Line 6 was added to reflect the 100% Title IV-E Administrative Staff and Purchased Costs (Administrative and Training).
  • Line 7 was added to show the total RMS Cost Pool. This line reflects the Allowable Cost Pool total in line 5 less the amount of the 100% Title IV-E Administrative Staff and Purchased Costs (Administrative and Training) in line 6.
  • As a result of adding new lines, the Line numbers under the column titled Line, changed from 37 lines to 40. Example, Line 5 changed to Line 8, Line 6 changed to Line 9 and so forth.
  • Code 114 Child Welfare Training combines the previous codes 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting, 116 Child Welfare Training Attending and 118 Training for GALs/CASAs (Conducting and Attending) into one combined code. Both activities are reimbursable at 75% of Federal Financial Participation. In prior years the code 116 Child Welfare Training Attending was reimbursed at 50% and the code 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting was reimbursed at 75%. All child welfare training, with the exception of Contracted (Purchased) Child Welfare Training Costs, are now reflected in Line 14.
  • Line 21 Eligibility Rate (ER) to be obtained from the 4281 report for the prior quarter in SACWIS (For example, the data from the July 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016 quarter will be used when determining the ER for reimbursement of costs for the following quarter of October 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016).
  • Former Line 21 changed to Line 23 and the item to read: Discounted by the ER: 100% Title IV-E Administrative staff. A column was added (column 1) for inputting the dollar amount of the cost.
  • Line 22 changed to Line 24 and reads, Contracted (Purchased) Case Management Costs. A column was added (column 1) for inputting the dollar amount of the cost.
  • Line 23 changed to Line 25 and reads, 114 Child Welfare Training (Line 14). Also, a column was added (column 1) and the dollar amount of Line 14 will automatically populate here.
  • Line 26 was added and reflects Contracted (Purchased) Child Welfare Training Costs. A column was added (column 1) for inputting the dollar amount of the cost. Column 2 was changed to be the total column of all Child Welfare Training discounted by the eligibility rate.
  • Line 27 was added to read Not Discounted by the ER: 104 Title IV-E Determination (Line 8). Also, a column was added (column 1) and the dollar amount of Line 8 will automatically populate here.
  • Line 28 was added for Contracted (Purchased) Eligibility Determination Costs. A column was added (column 1) for inputting the dollar amount of the cost. Both rows (Line 27 and 28) in column 1 add up all Eligibility Determination Costs into one total in column 2 of row 28.
  • Line 29 was added for Contracted (Purchased) Claims Processing Costs.
  • Line 30 was added to reflect the newly added code 210 Sex Trafficking Administration from Line 15.
  • Former Line 26, now Line 31 was changed to read from Total Reimbursable Dollars to Total Administration Reimbursable Dollars. The formula was changed to reflect this as well.

Juvenile Courts and ODYS having subgrant agreements with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) will use the Juvenile Courts and the Ohio Department of Youth Services (ODYS), Social Services Random Moment Cost Allocation, Quarterly Billing form. ODJFS will use this form as a basis for reimbursement to the courts and ODYS.

Form JFS 01794-Revision

  • The ODYS has been added as an agency using this form for their quarterly administrative and training claims. The name of the agency was added to the title of the form.
  • Code 114 Child Welfare Training combines the previous codes 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting, 116 Child Welfare Training Attending and 118 Training for GALs/CASAs (Conducting and Attending) into one combined code. Both activities are reimbursable at 75% of Federal Financial Participation. In prior years the code 116 Child Welfare Training Attending was reimbursed at 50% and the code 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting was reimbursed at 75%.
  • Code 210 Sex Trafficking Administration has been added.

Form JFS 01794-I-Revision

  • The ODYS has been added as an agency using this form for their quarterly administrative and training claims. The name of the agency was added to the title of the form.
  • Code 114 Child Welfare Training combines the previous codes 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting, 116 Child Welfare Training Attending and 118 Training for GALs/CASAs (Conducting and Attending) into one combined code. Both activities are reimbursable at 75% of Federal Financial Participation. In prior years the code 116 Child Welfare Training Attending was reimbursed at 50% and the code 114 Child Welfare Training Conducting was reimbursed at 75%. The definition was changed to reflect this as well.
  • Code 210 Sex Trafficking Administration has been added along with a definition of its activities.

Form JFS 01797I-New

Form JFS 01797-I was created as an aid to help the Juvenile Courts and ODYS on how to complete form JFS 01797. The JFS 01797-I provides instructions to explain what needs to be added to each line and field within the JFS 01797, along with the formulas that are hidden in the background of the fields and how each activity/amount is reimbursable to include the percentage of the Federal Financial Participation (FFP).


The following chart shows what materials should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).

Procedure Letters FCASPL 306
Forms JFS 01794 (Rev. 9/2009)JFS 01794 (Rev. 7/2016)
 JFS 01794-I (Rev. 10/2013)JFS 01794-I (Rev. 7/2016)
 JFS 01797 (Rev. 10/2013)JFS 01797 (Rev. 7/2016)
  JFS 01797I (Rev. 7/2016)