FCASMTL 363 (Amendments to Caseworker Visitation Rules 5101:2-42-65, 5101:2-48-17, 5101:2-52-04 and 5101:2-52-08)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 363
December 2, 2015
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Amendments to Caseworker Visitation Rules 5101:2-42-65, 5101:2-48-17, 5101:2-52-04 and 5101:2-52-08.

This letter transmits four amended rules reflecting updates as a result of guidance received from the federal government via the CFSR Round 3 Onsite Review Instrument (pg. 66) located at https://training.cfsrportal.org/resources/3044. The guidance results in changes to who may complete caseworker visitation. The rules will be effective January 1, 2016, however FCASPL 278 was published February 23, 2015 in the interim. The following is a brief explanation of the changes:

  • OAC rule 5101:2-42-65, entitled "Caseworker visits and contacts with children in substitute care" provides guidance to agencies regarding who is to complete caseworker visits, as well as the required frequency and content of those visits. Paragraph (B) is being revised to clarify that a caseworker from the agency who has case management responsibility of the child's case must complete the visit. The paragraph adds that the caseworker assigned to the child's case shall complete a majority of the required monthly visits. Paragraph (C) was revised to allow the PCSA or PCPA to contract out the subsequent visits, if more than one visit per month is required for the case. Paragraph (D) was revised to add that the caseworker must document the caregiver's efforts to promote and allow normalcy for the child in placement by following the reasonable and prudent parent standard. Paragraph (E) was revised to add that visitation for interstate placements must follow the regulations of the interstate compact, and gives the website for where to locate those regulations.
  • OAC rule 5101:2-48-17, entitled "Assessor visits and contacts with children in adoptive homes prior to finalization" provides guidance to agencies regarding who is to complete assessor visits for children in a prefinalized adoption placement, as well as the required frequency and content of those visits. Paragraph (A) is being revised to clarify that an assessor from the agency who has full responsibility for case planning and case management of the child's case must complete the visits. The paragraph adds that the caseworker assigned to the child's case shall complete a majority of the required monthly visits. Paragraph (B) was revised to allow contracted agencies to complete subsequent visits if more than one visit per month is required for the case. Paragraph (E) was revised to add that visitation for interstate placements must follow the regulations of the interstate compact, and provides the website for where to locate those regulations.
  • OAC rule 5101:2-52-04, entitled "PCSA responsibilities for the interstate compact on the placement of children" provides guidance to public agencies regarding how to handle placements across state lines. Paragraph (I) was revised to add that the regulations of the compact must be followed regarding supervision of the case, and provides the website for where to find those regulations.
  • OAC rule 5101:2-52-08, entitled "Interstate placement requirements for Ohio parents, legal guardians, or private entities when placing a child into another state or territory for adoption" provides private entities guidance regarding placements that cross state lines. Paragraph (B) was revised to give the specific website for where to find the ICPC regulations. Paragraph (C) was revised to add that the regulations of the compact must be followed regarding supervision of the case, and provides the website for where to locate those regulations.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that should be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and the material that should be added.

AdoptionOAC 5101:2‑48‑17OAC 5101:2‑48‑17
Social ServicesOAC 5101:2‑42‑65OAC 5101:2‑42‑65
 OAC 5101:2‑52‑04OAC 5101:2‑52‑04
 OAC 5101:2‑52‑08OAC 5101:2‑52‑08
Transmittal Letters FCASMTL No. 363