FCASMTL 301 (Revision of Rules 5101:2-38-08 and 5101:2-38-10 of the OAC)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 301
October 22, 2012
TO: All Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: Revision of Rules 5101:2-38-08 and 5101:2-38-10 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

This letter transmits changes to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules 5101:2-38-08 and 5101:2-38-10 which are being amended as the result of the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act. These changes will be effective December 1, 2012.

The following is a brief explanation of the changes.

OAC 5101:2-38-08 Child's education and health information sets forth the requirements that apply to documentation of efforts to maintain a child in the same school the child was attending at the time of placement or reasons why remaining in the same school is not in the child's best interest. This rule is being amended to include language to clarify efforts are made at the time of each placement or placement change.

OAC 5101:2-38-10 Requirements for completing the semiannual administrative review sets forth the requirements that apply to a public children services agency (PCSA) and a private child placing agency (PCPA) for completing the semiannual administrative review. This rule is being proposed for amendment as a result of the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act. New language is added for PCSAs and PCPAs to provide each child who has attained the age of sixteen a copy of their credit report.


JFS 01412 entitled "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S. Semiannual Administrative Review" (SAR) (rev. 9/2012) is being revised to include the amendments set forth in rule 5101:2-38-10 of the Administrative Code.

JFS 01412-I entitled "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S. Semiannual Administrative Review Instructions" (rev. 9/2012) is being revised to include the revisions made to the JFS 01412.


The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and the material that should be added.

SOCIAL SERVICES 5101:2‑38‑08
JFS 01412-I
JFS 01412
JFS 01412-I