5101:12-60-05 (Administrative Review and Adjustment Process) 5101:12-60-05.1 (Initiation of an Administrative Review) 5101:12-60-05.2 (Initiation of Temporary Adjustment for Certain Military Members) 5101:12-60-05.3 (The Administrative Review) 5101:12-60-05.4 (Calculation and Recommendation of a Revised Order for Child and Medical Support) 5101:12-60-05.5 (Notice of Hearing Rights) 5101:12-60-05.6 (CSEA Administrative Adjustment Hearing Process) 5101:12-60-45 (Continuation of Support Obligation Beyond the Child's Eighteenth Birthday) 5101:12-60-50 (Termination of Support) 5101:12-60-50.1 (Administrative Termination Investigation, Findings and Recommendations, and Impounding Support) 5101:12-60-50.2 (Administrative Termination Hearing, Court Hearing, Administrative Termination Order, and Disbursement of Impounded Funds) 5101:12-60-60 (Redirection of support) 5101:12-60-60.1 (Findings and recommendations to redirect the child support order) 5101:12-60-60.2 (Termination of redirection) 5101:12-60-70 (Reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-70.1 (Procedures for a reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-70.2 (Process for a reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-70.3 (Agreed entry for a reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-70.4 (Reporting requirements for a reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-70.5 (County initiation of a reduction of permanently assigned arrears.) 5101:12-60-99 (Chapter 5101:12-60 forms - order administration.)