CCMTL 121 (Revisions to Child Care Type B Home Provider Rules and Forms)
Child Care Manual Transmittal Letter No. 121Child Care Type B Manual Transmittal Letter No. 8
January 9, 2014
TO: All Child Care Type B Home Manual Holders All Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Revisions to Child Care Type B Home Provider Rules and Forms

This letter transmits amendments to rules and forms that govern Type B Home providers.


The county departments of job and family services (CDJFS) are currently responsible for accepting and processing applications, completing compliance inspections and certifying Type B Home providers, In-Home Aides, and limited Type B Home providers.

New Policy:

Beginning January 2014, Type B Home providers will be licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) and limited Type B Home providers will no longer exist. In-Home Aides will remain certified through the CDJFS. The CDJFS will still be responsible for accepting and processing applications and completing compliance inspections for Type B Home providers. The CDJFS will recommend the Type B Home provider for licensure to ODJFS.

The following rules are rescinded effective January 1, 2014:

5101:2-14-02, "Application for certification as a professional type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-03, "Compliance inspection of type B home providers and in-home aides."

5101:2-14-03.1, "Complaint investigation of professional and limited type B home providers and in-home aides."

5101:2-14-04, "Issuance and renewal of professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-05, "Provider qualifications for professional certification as a type B provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-06, "Denial, revocation and withdrawal of professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-07, "Fire safety for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-08, "Indoor space, programming and equipment for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-11, "Offenses prohibiting requirements for criminal records checks for certification as a type B professional or limited home provider or in-home aide, or as an emergency or substitute caregiver."

5101:2-14-13, "Training requirements for certification as a professional type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-14, "Emergency and substitute caregiver for type B home professional providers or in-home aides."

5101:2-14-16, "Group size for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-17, "Outdoor play for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-18, "Evening and overnight care, sleeping and napping requirements for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-19, "Safe and sanitary equipment and environment for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-20, "Safety and supervision of children for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-21, "Transportation and field trip safety for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-22, "Child guidance and management for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-24, "Caretaker/provider responsibilities for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-26, "Records requirements for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-27, "Care of children with special needs or health conditions for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-28, "Medical and dental emergency plan for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-29, "First-aid supplies and procedure for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-30, "Management of communicable disease for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-31, "Administration of medication for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-32, "Meal preparation/nutritional requirements for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-34, "Infant care for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-35, "Diaper care for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-36, "Crib and playpen requirements for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-37, "Swimming and water safety requirements for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-40, "Certification appeal procedures for professional and limited type B providers and in-home aides."

5101:2-14-55, "Application, and approval and renewal for limited certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-56, "Issuance and renewal of a certificate for limited certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-57, "Limited certification compliance inspection of inspection and investigation for limited certification as a type B home provider or provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-58, "Provider qualifications and responsibilities for limited certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-60, "Denial, termination and revocation and withdrawal of limited certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide."

5101:2-14-61, "County department of job and family services certification responsibilities for certified type B providers and in-home aides."

5101:2-14-62, "Confidentiality involving a professional or limited certified home provider or in-home aide."

The following rule has been amended. The changes are effective January 1, 2014:

5101:2-14-01, "Definitions for licensed type B home providers and certified in-homes aides" was revised by amending language under the "Type B Home" definition and deleting the following definitions:

  • "Agency inspected limited certification (AI)"
  • "Applicant"
  • "Border state child care provider"
  • "County department of job and family services"
  • "County director"
  • "Department"
  • "Director"
  • "Limited certification"
  • "Parent/provider inspected limited certification (PPI)"
  • "Professional certification"
  • "Provider"
  • "Provisional"

The following Type B Home new provider rules are effective January 1, 2014:

5101:2-14-02, "Application and issuance for a type B home provider license" sets forth the application process and required documents for becoming a licensed Type B Home provider as well as the CDJFS responsibilities.

5101:2-14-03, "Compliance inspection and complaint investigation of a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the guidelines and timeframes for inspections and investigations of the Type B Home as well as the CDJFS responsibilities.

5101:2-14-04, "Denial and revocation of a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the parameters for denying an application or revoking a Type B Home provider license as well as the CDJFS responsibilities.

5101:2-14-05, "Procedures for a licensed type B home provider operating under a provisional license" sets forth the operating requirements during the provisional license period for Type B Home providers.

5101:2-14-06, "Provider qualifications for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements to become a licensed Type B Home provider.

5101:2-14-07, "Licensed type B home requirements for criminal records checks" sets forth the requirements for who needs a criminal records check and when the records check needs to be completed as well as the rehabilitation standards for crimes.

5101:2-14-08, "Training requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the various types and hours of trainings needed to be completed by a Type B Home provider.

5101:2-14-09, "Emergency/substitute caregiver and employees for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements and qualifications for emergency/substitute caregivers and employees for the licensed Type B Home.

5101:2-14-10, "Fire safety requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth fire safety requirements for the licensed Type B Home provider.

5101:2-14-11, "Indoor and outdoor space requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth all safety and space requirements for the licensed Type B Home.

5101:2-14-12, "Safe equipment and environment for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth requirements for safe equipment in the licensed Type B Home.

5101:2-14-13, "Sanitary equipment and environment for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for a sanitary environment, cleaning guidelines and a smoke free environment for the licensed Type B Home provider.

5101:2-14-14, "Transportation and field trip safety for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the required documents needed when children are transported to and from the licensed Type B Home.

5101:2-14-15, "Child records requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the required documentation that shall be in each child's file in the Type B Home such as administering and proper storage of medication or documented health conditions.

5101:2-14-16, "Medical, dental, first aid and communicable disease procedures for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the procedures for treating and reporting communicable diseases, what is to be included in the provider's first aid box and procedures for caring for sick children.

5101:2-14-17, "Programming and materials for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for developmentally appropriate equipment and materials for the Type B Home.

5101:2-14-18, "Group size for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth requirements for the number of children that may be in the home of the Type B Home provider at any given time.

5101:2-14-19, "Sleeping and napping requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for using cribs and playpens in the Type B Home.

5101:2-14-20, "Supervision of children and child guidance for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the procedures for discipline techniques and child guidance.

5101:2-14-21, "Meal preparation/nutritional requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth meal and snack requirements in the Type B Home.

5101:2-14-22, "Infant care and diaper care for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for general infant care, feeding infants, storing breast milk and diaper changing.

5101:2-14-23, "Swimming and water safety requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for swimming and water depth requirements at the Type B Home and at any off-site facility.

5101:2-14-24, "Evening and overnight care requirements for a licensed type B home provider" sets forth the requirements for the hours of operation for evening and overnight care at the licensed Type B Home.

5101:2-14-25, "County department of job and family services licensing responsibilities for type B home providers" sets forth requirements for the CDJFS regarding provider training, provider files, and information sharing when licensing a Type B Home provider.

The following In-Home Aide new rules will be effective January 1, 2014:

5101:2-14-30, "Application and approval for certification as an in-home aide" sets forth the application process for becoming an In-Home Aide.

5101:2-14-31, "Qualifications for certification as an in-home aide" sets forth the qualifications for becoming an In-Home Aide.

5101:2-14-32, "In-Home Aide Responsibilities and Assurances" sets forth the requirements for record keeping, transportation, and general provisions for providing care in the child's own home.

5101:2-14-33, "Safety requirements for in-home aides" sets forth minimal health and safety standards including smoke-free environment, fire safety, supervision and first aid for an In-Home Aide.

5101:2-14-34, "County department of job and family services (CDJFS) responsibilities for the issuance and renewal for in-home aide (IHA) certification" sets forth requirements of the CDJFS for issuing and renewing In-Home Aide certificates.

5101:2-14-35, "County department of job and family services (CDJFS) responsibility for compliance and complaint investigation for an in-home aide (IHA)" sets for the requirements for inspection and complaint procedures for the In-Home Aide.

The following form is obsolete effective January 1, 2014:

JFS 01932 "Child Medical Statement Type B Homes and In-Home Aides."

The following Type B Home new provider forms are effective January 1, 2014:

JFS 01526, "Complaint Investigation Receipt for Type B Home Providers and In-Home Aides" is used during an investigation by the CDJFS and is completed and given to the provider before the JFS 01921 "Complaint Disposition Report for Type B Child Care Providers and In-Home Aides" is completed.

JFS 01527, "Notification of Criminal Records Check Results" is used by the CDJFS to notify the provider of the criminal records results of the provider's employee and emergency/substitute caregivers.

JFS 01528, "Type B Home Provider Employee Record Chart" is used by the CDJFS to ensure that the provider's file on the provider's employee is up-to-date and accurate.

The following In-Home Aide new form will be effective January 1, 2014:

JFS 1533, "In-Home Aide Inspection" is used by the CDJFS to ensure safety requirements of the In-Home Aide.

The following Type B Home provider forms have been revised effective January 1, 2014:

JFS 01280, "Medical Statement for Type B Home and In-Home Aide Child Care Providers" was revised to change certification language to licensing language. The requirement for a tuberculosis (TB) test was removed as it is no longer required for providers.

JFS 01302, "Request for Child Abuse and Neglect Report Information" was revised to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01329, "Statement of Nonconviction for Type B Homes and In-Home Aides" was revised to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01332, "Child Care Handbook for Caretakers Licensed Type B Home Providers and Certified In-Home Aides" was revised to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01332-I, "Instructions for Completing JFS 01332 Child Care Handbook for Caretakers" was revised to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01634, "Caretaker/Provider Agreement for Type B Homes and In-Home Aides" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule cites as well as to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01643, "Application for Type B Home" was revised to change certification language to licensing language for Type B Homes and to delete the reference section of the application as references are no longer required.

JFS 01920, "Emergency/Substitute Caregiver Acting as an Assistant in a Type B Child Care Home" was revised to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01922, "Notification of Alleged Child Care Rule Noncompliance" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citations as well as to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01923, "Emergency/Substitute Caregiver Statement for Type B Home Provider" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citations as well as to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01926, "Inspection Report for Type B Home" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citations as well as to change certification language to licensing language.

JFS 01928, "Child Medical/Physical Care Plan for Type B Homes and In-Home Aides" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citation.

JFS 01930, "Sleep Position Waiver Statement for Type B Homes and In-Home Aides" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citation.

JFS 01933, "Liability Insurance Statement for Type A and Type B Child Care Homes" was revised to update the Chapter 5101:2-14 rule citation.

The following In-Home Aide form has been revised effective January 1, 2014:

JFS 01642, "In-Home Aide Application and Assurances" was revised to remove language for limited certification.

CCM AppendixJFS 01280 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01280 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01302 (rev. 9/2006)JFS 01302 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01329 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01329 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01332 (rev. 11/2010)JFS 01332 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01332-I (rev. 11/2010)JFS 01332-I (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01634 (rev. 10/2010)JFS 01634 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01642 (rev. 10/2010)JFS 01642 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01643 (rev. 10/2010)JFS 01643 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01920 (rev. 7/2011)JFS 01920 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01922 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01922 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01923 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01923 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01926 (rev. 10/2010)JFS 01926 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01928 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01928 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01930 (rev. 8/2008)JFS 01930 (rev. 1/2014)
 JFS 01932 (rev. 8/2008) 
 JFS 01933 (rev. 8/2009)JFS 01933 (rev. 1/2014)
  JFS 01526 (1/2014)
  JFS 01527 (1/2014)
  JFS 01528 (1/2014)
  JFS 01533 (1/2014)
CCBM Transmittal Letters CCBMTL No. 8
CCM Transmittal Letters CCMTL No. 121