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CCMTL 51 (5101:2-12 and 5101:2-17 - ARCHIVE)
Child Care Manual Transmittal Letter No. 51
March 21, 2003
TO: All Child Care Manual Users
FROM: Thomas J. Hayes, Director
SUBJECT: Chapter 5101:2-12 and 5101:2-17 Rule Adoptions and Rescissions for Child Care Centers and School Child Day Care Centers

This letter transmits rule adoptions and rescissions to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapters 5101:2-12 and 2-17 due to the completion of a five year review conducted by the Bureau of Child Care and Development. This review resulted in the rescission of all of the rules for the Licensing of School Child Day Care Centers formerly contained in OAC 5101:2-17. The requirements for school child care are now contained within OAC 5101:2-12 Licensing for Child Day Care Centers. All previous rules in Chapter 12 were also rescinded and the new rules are included in this transmittal. The associated forms will be released in a separate Child Care Manual Transmittal Letter. These rules will become effective April 1, 2003.

5101:2-12-01 "Definitions" has been amended to include "Special Needs", "Adult", "Certified Nurse Practitioner", "Substitute", "date of admission"," field trip", "routine trip", "food supplement", "medication", "modified diet", "medication", and "cot".

5101:2-12-02 "Center types and rule stipulations has been amended to clarify definitions and requirements for Child Care Center, Drop-In Center, Parent Co-Op, Part Time Center, and School Child Care Center.

5101:2-12-03 "License capacity" provides information regarding determination criteria and requests for changes in license capacity.

5101:2-12-04 "Application and issuance for initial provisional licensure" provides requirements for the application procedure, expiration of inactive applications, changes in ownership / location, initial inspections, and issuing provisional license and amending to full licensure.

5101:2-12-05 "Application fees for licensure/notification of changes" provides information about and direction for these procedures.

5101:2-12-06 "Application and procedure for renewal licensure" provides information regarding applying for renewal, penalties for nontimely renewal application, the renewal procedures and inspection process.

5101:2-12-07 "Inspection and investigation rights" provides information regarding the number of inspections required and the procedure for an administrative review of compliance findings.

5101:2-12-08 "Complaint investigations" provides information regarding complaint dispositions and reports, allegations of abuse or neglect, and public record requests.

5101:2-12-09 "Actions of the director" provides information regarding licensing, refusal to license, renewal of license, or revocation of license center hearing rights, application denial and license revocation.

5101:2-12-10 "Building approval" states the requirements regarding building approval and appropriate documentation of such.

5101:2-12-11 "Fire department approval" states the requirements regarding fire inspection and approval, and appropriate documentation of such.

5101:2-12-12 "Food service licensure" provides inspection, approval or exemption requirements, and appropriate documentation of such.

5101:2-12-13 "Indoor floor space" provides requirements for measured approved space, exclusive use of space, and separate space for groups that include children less than 2 ½ years of age.

5101:2-12-14 "Outdoor play" provides information and requirements for, play area provisions, outdoor play equipment, and the play area fall surface.

5101:2-12-15 "Safe and sanitary equipment and environment" provides information and requirements regarding safety of facility equipment and environment including sanitation and no smoking.

5101:2-12-16 "Programming and equipment" provides information and requirements for daily programming for children and types and quantity of equipment for specific age groups being cared for.

5101:2-12-17 "Swimming and water safety" provides information and requirements regarding swimming sites, water safety during swimming and activities near bodies of water, and specific items needed on parental permission.

5101:2-12-18 "Transportation/field trip safety" provides information and requirements regarding supervision, parental permission items, safety precautions and procedures, driver requirements, and vehicle safety.

5101:2-12-19 "Cots" provides information and requirements regarding programs using nap times for children that ensure safety and adequate supervision.

5101:2-12-20 "Supervision/staff/child ratios and grouping" provides information and requirements regarding, staff/child ratios, nap time ratios, supervision of school children, transitioning children, substitute child care staff members, second adult, grouping of children / group sizes, and attendance.

5101:2-12-21 "Care and nurturing of children" provides information and requirements regarding children's basic and special needs while in center care.

5101:2-12-22 "Child guidance and management" provides information and requirements regarding staff responsibility, and managing children's behavior.

5101:2-12-23 "Evening and overnight care" provides information and requirements regarding supervision and security, programming and sleeping arrangements, and sanitation and hygiene specifically for programs offering evening and overnight care.

5101:2-12-24 "Administrator responsibilities and qualifications" provides information and requirements regarding the administrator's responsibilities, qualifications and the need for an administrator's designee to be on the premises in the administrator's absence.

5101:2-12-25 "Employee and child care staff member requirements" provides information and requirements regarding staff's medical, staff member educational qualifications, vocational students, references, and employment records.

5101:2-12-26 "Statements of nonconviction, criminal records checks" provides information and requirements regarding definitions for this section, nonconviction statement, criminal records checks, convictions, and rehabilitation.

5101:2-12-27 "Training in first aid/CPR/management of communicable disease and child abuse prevention" provides information and requirements regarding First Aid Training/Trainer, CPR Training/Trainer, Management of Communicable Disease Training/Trainer, Child Abuse Prevention Training/Trainer, and training documentation.

5101:2-12-28 "Inservice training" provides information and requirements regarding documentation, exemptions, trainers, resource persons, electronic media trainings, child development topics.

5101:2-12-29 "Unlawful discriminatory practices" provides information and prohibition to discriminate in enrollment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

5101:2-12-30 "Center information policies and procedures" provides information and requirements regarding, licensing information, center program information, center written policies, and the preadmission interview.

5101:2-12-31 "Administration of medication" provides information and requirements regarding prescriptions, nonprescription medication, nonprescription topical products or lotions, medication safeguards, and medication storage.

5101:2-12-32 "Participation policy" provides information and requirements regarding the parent roster and other activities to promote parent/guardian participation and communication.

5101:2-12-33 "Management of illness" provides information and requirements regarding symptoms requiring discharge, isolation precautions, and preventative practices for childhood communicable diseases.

5101:2-12-34 "Medical, dental and general emergency plan" provides information, definitions and requirements regarding the center's emergency plan.

5101:2-12-35 "Incident/injury report" provides information and requirements regarding notification of injuries and incidents to parents and to licensing office.

5101:2-12-36 "First aid supplies/procedures" provides information and requirements regarding items included in the first aid kit, and basic procedures.

5101:2-12-37 "Children's medicals and enrollment records" provides information and requirements regarding the content of children's records to be on file at the center.

5101:2-12-38 "Care of children with health conditions" provides information and requirements regarding the children's written medical/physical care plan to be on file at the center.

5101:2-12-39 "Meals and snacks" provides information and requirements regarding parent provided food, food safety and sanitation.

5101:2-12-40 "Infant daily program/infant caregiver" provides information and requirements regarding space, program, records / staff assignment.

5101:2-12-41 "Infant formula and food" provides information and requirements regarding infant feeding, bottles prepared at center, safety and storage.

5101:2-12-42 "Cribs" provides information and requirements regarding the infant mattress and sanitation and safety.

5101:2-12-43 "Handwashing and diapering" provides information and requirements regarding handwashing facilities, and diapering procedure.

Please incorporate these rules into Chapter Six of the Child Care Manual after the Child Care Provider Licensing Regulations/Licensure Types Index. If you have any questions, please contact the Child Care Licensing Section at (614) 466-3822.