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CCMPL 69 (New Form for Step Up To Quality)
Child Care Manual Procedure Letter No. 69
June 27, 2012
TO: All Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: New Form for Step Up To Quality

This letter is to notify stakeholders of a new Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) form.

JFS 01505 "SUTQ Written Policies Checklist" has been developed to be used during the SUTQ verification visit to document the review of the program's written policies. The Step Up To Quality Licensing Specialist (SULS) will complete this checklist during the verification visit to determine completion of the program's written policies. The program will receive a copy of the completed checklist which outlines the policies that have been verified.

The SUTQ Benchmark Indicators for Administrative Practices and Early Learning require programs to have written descriptions of program policies and procedures. Recently, guidance sheets have been created to provide clear expectations for the requirements of the written descriptions. These guidance sheets are posted on the SUTQ website and were sent electronically to rated programs.

Programs may utilize the checklist in conjunction with the guidance sheets as they prepare for the verification visit to ensure that all policies and procedures are clearly reflected in their written descriptions. The purpose of these policies is to accurately describe the systems and processes that are reflective of the program's current practices.

The electronic versions of the child care manuals are located at:

http://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov. These manuals contain all child care rules, transmittal letters, procedure letters and forms. Please contact the Office of Family Assistance, Child Care Policy Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, or your Step Up To Quality licensing specialist if you have any questions regarding this new form.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).

CCM JFS 01505 (5/2012)
CCM Procedure Letters CCMPL No. 69