CAMTL 111 (OWF: Appraisals, Assessments & Self-Sufficiency Contract & OWF: Learning, Earning & Parenting Program)
Cash Assistance Manual Transmittal Letter No. 111
March 23, 2016
TO: All Cash Assistance Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Ohio Works First: Appraisals, Assessments and Self-Sufficiency Contract and Ohio Works First: Learning, Earning and Parenting Program.

On June 30, 2015, Governor Kasich signed House Bill 64, the state's biennial budget into law. Section 305.190 of the bill established the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP), to be effective on July 1, 2016, in order to leverage the strengths of both the workforce and human services systems. CCMEP seeks to improve employment and education outcomes for low-income youth and young adults by helping participants overcome barriers to employment and develop the skills local employers seek. House Bill 64 requires 16- to 24-year-old Ohio Works First (OWF) work-eligible individuals to participate in CCMEP, and permits 16-to-24-year old OWF recipients who are not work-eligibles and PRC recipients to voluntarily participate.

As a result the Office of Family Assistance amended rule 5101:1-3-11 to ensure 16- to 24-year old OWF work eligibles are assigned to participate in CCMEP; and amended rule 5101: 1-23-50 to clarify participation in the Learning, Earning and Parenting Program (LEAP) continues to be required for any required or voluntary CCMEP participant. The rules have been subject to a review by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR). The rules will become effective on 03/24/2016.

Chapter 2000

5101:1-3-11 "Ohio Works First (OWF): Appraisals, Assessments, and Self Sufficiency Contract."

This rule describes the OWF appraisal, assessment, and self-sufficiency contract requirements. OFA amended this rule to add paragraph (J) which requires each OWF work eligible individual between the age of sixteen and twenty-four to participate in CCMEP as a condition of receiving OWF. Paragraph (J) also specifies the responsibilities of the county agency for the work eligible individuals required to participate in CCMEP.

5101:1-23-50 "Ohio Works First: Learning, Earning and Parenting Program."

The rule describes the LEAP program which encourages pregnant and parenting teens to attend and complete high school or the equivalent. OFA amended this rule for minor language changes to improve clarity and to add paragraph (S) which clarifies that LEAP required teens must still participate in LEAP regardless if they are voluntary or mandatory participants in CCMEP.